Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Let all acquaintance be forgot for my DVR is full....and I really need to catch up...

Happy New Year to all my followers...though I don't know where you are because I got no comments on my last post.  This was your idea people...get with the program!

So, continuing where we left off:

January 17:
Southland - I always wanted to watch this show and just have never gotten around to it.  If anyone does and can give some input, let me know...in the comments...where you should all be discussing anyways...
Justified - Timothy Olyphant, that's all you need to know.  Watch it.
White Collar - A show that pulled itself out of a bit of a sophomore slump to have a very entertaining first half to its 3rd season.  I'm really looking forward to this.
New Girl
Raising Hope 

January 19:
Archer - So I was less than thrilled with LOST-style 3 episode preview in the fall before the full season in the winter.  It also didn't help that those three episodes were probably some of the weakest of the series.  The last one brought its game back up but the previews for the rest of the season have had me rolling so I'm optimistic. 
Unsupervised - This is I believe by the It's Always Sunny people so that warrants a view from me

January 22: 
American Idol - Oh what a rocky relationship we have AI.  Last season I was very apathetic until a hot little jazzy singer came along and became my favorite contestant since Kris Allen.  I was so behind Haley that the night when she was treated like a piece of trash by the judges, I was screaming obscenities at my TV and my blood pressure had to be through the roof.  This is not healthy and I don't know if I have it in me to invest like that this year.  Plus, the Triumvirate of Evil is back behind the judges table.   

January 26:
Common Law - I've only seen the occasional preview while watching Psych and Burn Notice but it looks like it could be entertaining.  They have been very few USA shows over the last couple of years that haven't had some redeeming value so I'll be giving this one a shot.

January 27:
Spartacus: Vengeance - Andy Whitfield passing away was a great loss for this show because he definitely made it the hit it became for Starz.  However, he apparently gave his blessing to this new guy and early reviews seem to indicate that he does a really nice job.  I'm looking forward to seeing if the pattern of increasing quality this show developed in its first season can continue. 
Chuck (Series Finale) - I have really enjoyed this season and I really like that this entire season has seemed like an epilogue of sorts for the show.  Characters are settling, storylines are coming to a head and I can't wait to see how it all end.

February 5:
The Voice - Another pleasant surprise of 2011.  My one note for this show is that the judges stop being cheerleaders 24/7 and give their contestants some honest critiques.  If I wanted moronic judging, I'd go watch American Idol.

February 6:
Smash - I know, surprise surprise, the guy who still like Glee is on board with the new musical show.  Not only is the show getting very solid reviews but I think the cast is great.  Debra Messing has always been underrated in my opinion and Jack Davenport impressed me during the small amount of time I watched Flash Forward.  I think it can be really great, like a Glee for thinking and intelligent people.

February 7: 
The River - I still don't really know exactly what this show is going to look like on a week to week basis but the trailers certainly have me intrigued enough to try it out for a few episodes.

February 12:
The Walking Dead - After a spectacular finish to a solid run of episodes, I can't wait to see the fallout.

So that about wraps it up for right now.  If anything new pops up, I'll let you know.  Again, if there's something not on here that you know is coming back, comment below and I'll find out for you.

If you're a Once Upon a Time fan like I am, this interview may make you even more excited for this coming Sunday (warning spoilers for the Fall finale inside) http://insidetv.ew.com/2011/12/23/once-upon-a-time-scoop/

Also, I found this and, especially after discussing all the 2012 stuff at New Year's, it made me laugh quite hard. Enjoy...and post comments!

1 comment:

  1. I have seen a couple of episodes of "Southland" and it was OK. I think the main peeps in the show are solid, but I just can't always get hooked on the plot. I think it's worth a watch though. Not sure about recording it...
