Thursday, September 20, 2012

Night 5: A Pitch to Remember

Greetings! I hope the last couple of days without blog posts have not driven you Inzayne….get it?!?!  Well you people are zero help with names so this is what I’m reduced to, bad puns, and you have only yourselves to blame!

It’s been a relatively slow week for premieres so I decided to take a little break but let’s go ahead and recap a couple things that aired this week.

Go On:  This show is really starting to grow on me.  This episode focused more on the group and was more entertaining because of it.
The New Normal:  I’m done.
Parenthood:  Despite the big shocking ending being spoiled for me, I thought it was a really solid episode.
Survivor: Philippines:  A solid start to what will hopefully redeem the show from the past couple lackluster seasons of Redemption. (See what I did there?)
Top Chef Masters:  Just kidding, I’m not going to recap this but I was slightly disappointed at who made it to the finals.
So let’s start on a positive note, Go On.  The show continues to be solid.  I’m not going to say that it’s really improving and becoming Must See just yet, but it even took Community about 5-6 episodes before it really fell into a groove.  As I said before, the therapy group had a larger role this week and I think it made the episode better than the second one.  The group already has really great chemistry and I just hope the writers realize it and pull the focus away from Matthew Perry and turn it on the rest of the excellent cast.

Now a piece of garbage in between two good things, The New Normal.  As stated above, I am done with this show.  I gave it 3 episodes that’s plenty of time to at least show me a glimmer of hope that your show can be something more.  Outside of a couple of funny lines, the show fails on many levels for me.  The “issue of the week” this time was gay PDA.  You’ll recall last week was gay marriage and in the pilot it was gay couples having kids.  If this show is going to continue being a parade of Ryan Murphy’s agenda, I’m done with it.  You know why the gay couple on Modern Family works?  Because their sexuality is neither the most important nor the most interesting thing about their characters.  So we have to see a douchebag being a jerk to the main characters so Ryan Murphy can prove his point.  Then, there was a whole scenario after that with a gay guy, a douche, a guy with down syndrome, a punch, and a gay slur in a juice bar line at the gym.  I’ll let your wild imagination let those pieces form a spectacularly bad scene and it will probably be close to the garbage that was actually put on my TV screen on Tuesday.  To make a long story short (too late), I feel like I’ve given this show a fair shake and it has shown no signs of moving beyond what I’ve seen so far and I have better things to do with my time.  Also, based on the ratings, it seems like more and more people are also realizing they have better things to do.  I don’t see the show lasting much longer on anyone’s DVR.  Goodbye The New Normal, I offer you this parting gift, a scenario I laughed at when first presented to me by our esteemed commenter, "Unknown", but I’m now almost positive actually happened during their pitch meeting:
 Mike: NBC Pitch Meeting
"Exec 1: We've got to get a show like modern family!"
"Exec 2: Yes, we need a show about gays"
"E1: ... that's not what I meant at all..."
"E2: Except we'll do it NBC STYLE!"
"E1: Oh God... please don't make all the characters into unbelievable 1 dimensional stereotypes. Imagine 30Rock if every character was Tracy Jordan"
"E2: You're fired. Tell my assistant to get me a huge pile of cocaine on the way out"

Next up, we have Parenthood.  I’m not going to spoil anything for anyone that may not have watched it yet.  Suffice to say, I’ll be posting an interview with the character whose storyline this is early next week and it has some interesting tidbits about the origin of the storyline.  Overall, yet another solid episode and there was some really nice subtle stuff in there that I again can’t go too much into without giving away info.  I will say one scene I really enjoyed was Sarah and Drew sitting down and talking.  Drew isn’t given a ton to do but his actor has a certain way of doing things that makes me like Drew.  His little under the breath comments about razor blades and sleeping pills were perfectly delivered.  I feel like they’re really balancing the storylines a lot better this year too.  I’m sure it will start branching out soon but I like that it’s pretty much contained to something happening in the lives of one of the four siblings and following them around.  I’ll discuss the big twist and such when I post the interview next week.

Well that’s all for right now.  Tonight, we have a premiere explosion.  The NBC comedies start up again tonight.  First off, we’ve got SNL: Weekend Update Thursday taking Community’s place.  Next we’ve got Up All Night followed by The Office and Parks and Rec.  I’m going to start watching The Office again this year.  I stopped last year because my DVR messed up and I didn’t feel like trying to go back and find the ones it missed.  I’ve been hovering at Netflix hoping last season would go up before this one starts but so far, no joy.  However, this year is the final season and I’d like to see how it all ends up.  Parks and Rec is awesome and you should all watch it. 

Oh as a potential tease to gauge interest, I’m thinking of doing a special little post after all the premieres are done.  I have 89 series recordings on my DVR.  Granted some of these are summer/winter only shows, etc. but I’m going to have to whittle that down or I may be having a nervous breakdown by November.  So, in the spirit of the recent hit, The Hunger Games, I’ll be performing a Reaping of my own.  It’s going to be a blood bath and some good shows will go down in the process but something must be done.  I was thinking of blogging it as if these shows are actually competing just for fun.  Interested? 

Have a Good One and Happy TV Watching!

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