Monday, December 19, 2011

Midseason Updates Part 1

So I know a lot of you have seen this but not everyone was included on the initial e-mail because they weren't in my work e-mail list.

Let’s start with a final rundown of new shows.  Not many survived but the few that did I think are really excellent.

Ringer:  I’m currently about 4 episodes behind.  It started to get a little drawn out and it’s hard getting motivation to watch.  I’ll be catching up at some point in the next few weeks so we’ll see if that can drum up my interest but with several new shows coming in the January I’d like to watch, it’s not looking promising for Ringer to stay on my DVR…

Up All Night: The pilot was great, the next few episodes were a little shaky but I’m happy to say that this show hit its stride.  They found a balance for Maya Rudolph’s crazy and adding in Jason Lee to the mix helped ground her a LOT.  Christina Applegate and Will Arnett are great together.  I look forward to seeing how this show pans out in the Thursday Night Comedy block come 2012. 

The Secret Circle:  Never made it past the first episode.  From what I’ve read, I’m definitely not missing the next Vampire Diaries so there’s little chance this gets picked up by me in a later season.

The Playboy Club:  CANCELLED

2 Broke Girls:  While the previews occasionally look amusing, there’s always a part of them that makes me roll my eyes.  This one is staying off the record list for me.

New Girl:  I’m a couple weeks behind but every time I sit down to watch it, I enjoy it.  The ratings have been solid so I don’t see this going anywhere anytime soon.

Revenge:  This show was the biggest surprise of the new season for me.  I went in expecting to watch maybe 1 or 2 episodes and I’d probably rank it around #2 of the new shows, behind Once Upon a Time.  It’s got a solid cast that continues to impress and storyline that make enough progress each week to keep you interested.  I will admit that the show is a little soapy but I think the show handles it intelligently enough to make you forget a little.  If you can find a way to catch up before it comes back in 2012, I’d recommend it.

Whitney:  I’m a little ashamed to admit I’m still watching this.  The show is cliché and exactly what you’d expect it to be.  However, it throws in just enough actual funny every other episode to keep me coming back.  If my DVR got to the point it was at in November with 60 some odd recording and I needed space, I’d not shed a tear to clear off Whitney.

Once Upon a Time:  It lived up to what I wanted and more.  I love the cast and it has been made unfortunately one short in the fall finale.  I’m just a little afraid of getting strung along considering the two guys making this were higher ups in LOST and they like adding in LOST references to the show but right now, I’m content enjoying the fun twists on the stories. 

Now onto the regular shows I watch and how the first half of their seasons fared.

Parenthood:  Solid as ever and showing no signs of letting up.  Unfortunately this will only be an 18 episode season but I’m hoping something else on NBC will tank in the winter (a very likely scenario) and Parenthood may get picked up for a few extra episodes. 

Survivor: A game-changing move turned this season into more uninteresting drivel.  I’m tired of that happening.  Maybe 22 seasons is too much…

The Vampire Diaries:  This show continually impresses me.  The storylines move at a fantastic pace.  The characters grow and evolve in logical ways.  The mythology grows deeper while still providing satisfying answers to questions.  What more do you want?  This season hasn’t been as good as last season but that was a high bar and season 3 is definitely keeping up its end of the bargain for entertaining television.

Archer:  The trilogy didn’t really do it for me but I’m hoping a return to the weekly format will even the show back out. 

It’s Always Sunny:  I had 9 episodes built up on my DVR and finally sat down and watched them all over the course of 3-4 days.  It was certainly a mixed bag but overall stay pretty solid.  Chardee MacDennis is one of the greatest games ever though. 

Castle:  I know some people were irritated with the shows initial direction this season but for me, it’s really hard to argue with a consistently entertaining Monday Night show.  I always enjoy myself and to me, the sexual tension has not reached the point of annoying like in other shows…

Glee:  I’ve had a weird relationship with Glee this season so far.  The show really came out of it sophomore slump . There was something bugging me and I couldn’t figure out what.  Then I realized, the show has started to really focus on characters and letting them progress in a natural way.  So why was this not entertaining me.  I realized that after the mental beating that season 2 was, I’d stopped caring about what happened to these people.  Then the music for about 2-3 episodes was mediocre at best and I was getting ready to send Glee out to pasture.  Then something weird started happening.  The characters were being well written and I started to like them again.  Now I’m enjoying the show again almost like I was in season 1.  It’s also helped that music has gotten better.  More hits, less West Side Story.  Granted, Glee is not beyond a severe dip after the break but I’m back to being optimistic.

Harry’s Law:  Deleted it off my DVR and its ratings tanked this season and NBC is scrambling to save it.  So sad…

Modern Family:  Deserving of every award they get. 


  1. Question about this:

    Parenthood: Solid as ever and showing no signs of letting up. Unfortunately this will only be an 18 episode season but I’m hoping something else on NBC will tank in the winter (a very likely scenario) and Parenthood may get picked up for a few extra episodes.

    Does this mean they are not going to have any episodes in the spring? I love this show!

  2. February 28th is the season finale of Parenthood. I agree that it's very sad. NBC is not above just cutting their losses on a new show that flops and ordering more episodes of a successful show. However, I think they either just wrapped production or are about to so a decision needs to be made soon.

    Parenthood's ratings have been pretty solid this year so I think despite a shortened order this season we may get a full (22) or slightly extened (24) order for next year.
